From A Heart Of WoRship Inc.

2 Timothy 1:6-8

Janay F. Wages is from Connecticut, has a passion for helping, assisting and seeing those that have been broken; healed, delivered, made whole and set free. Janay is a mother, entrepreneur, founder & visionary of From a Heart of WoRship Inc, The MaRked in Tulle Project and the Paint with a Purpose movement. After many years of mentoring youth within the juvenile justice system and seeing firsthand how lives can change for the better & Worst; Janay's goal has been to impact as many youths' lives for the better through honesty, authenticity, testimony and by showing all that cross her path the true love of God. She is a Youth Mentor, author, creative writer and first and foremost a servant of Christ Jesus. Janay's goal is to draw others closer to Christ through love, through faith, from experience and with the unadulterated word of God. She is an experienced advocate for homelessness, self-harm, suicide prevention and sexual assault survivors. Janay strives to encourage, foster, cultivate and promote the well-being of every youth, young adult and everyone that crosses her path no matter gender, race or age; holistically. She fosters and strives in promoting the importance of forgiveness (self & others), genuine love, self-awareness, self-love, living on purpose, faith, self-worth, beating the odds and strengthening & inspiring others. She strives to inspire and encourage everyone to believe in themselves despite their past, pain, mistakes, flaws, the opinions of people and their current trying circumstances.
To inquire about booking Janay for your upcoming events or to learn more about services that she offers you can book or inquire below.

Often, we as Indvidual's strive for perfection before going forward with the vision that God gave us. We wait until we either have all the money in the bank, lose about 40lbs, wait on those we love to get on board and support us or until the nerves are all gone. In this season it is truly my desire and mission to push those that have been handicapped by fear, doubt and the opinions of others. I strive to hold the hands of those that are shaking due to uncertainty and what feels and looks like failure to most. Truly it's not until we're willing to take the next step or leap while we're shaking, when no one seems to be celebrating us and when our circumstances look far from perfect; that we then begin to see the manifestation of what God promised us come to pass. Many of us know what personal loss feels like and while there's many people that have lost the courage to find out their purpose or fulfill their purpose in life. There are still many of us that are willing to go against the grain, break chains, go against the opinions and labels of others and be who God has called us to be by any means necessary.
In this season I hope that you grow to love and be authentically you even if it ruffles feathers. My hope is that you strive to live a life pleasing to God, while loving yourself, loving others, living on purpose and helping others as God permits. May you live a life full of light, full of truth, ambition, courage, purity, joy, peace, perseverance and most importantly a life that trusts God no matter what.
Remember we're all striving for perfection, in the meantime love who you are now, through the mistakes and life lessons. God doesn't need you to be perfect to use you, He just wants you to be willing. God bless you all.