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At one point within life I had found myself in a cycle where I lacked faith within myself. As a result I wasn’t able to accomplish Goals, dreams nor my deepest aspirations.  I felt unqualified and incapable of accomplishing natural and spiritual Goals that I had set out to accomplish for my life. I would always tell myself that “someone else could do it better than I could” so I wouldn’t do it at all.


As a result this constantly kept me in a place of defeat. I found myself bound, always warring within myself, Questioning if I was capable of doing all that I had aspired, desired to do and questioning all that I knew God had called me to do. I questioned if God had really called me, if I’d ever be received by people, if I’d ever get a degree and the list of questions went on.


Despite my lack of faith within myself I had to learn that I couldn’t only believe in God, but I had to also believe in myself, I had to learn how to hear from God as well as hear from myself, I had to keep telling myself that “I can be and do what God told me I can do.” Not just spiritually but naturally as well. I Had to learn to fight for me for once. I fought for others success and accomplishments but never gave myself a chance to Win!



I’d encourage everyone that’s face with a similar cycle that I had once found myself in to trust God but also Trust in yourself.  Learn how to talk your way out of your cycle; Know that cycles can be broken. Never be afraid to start all over again, build confidence in yourself and Always tell yourself You Can!  Find you a mirror, Find your Voice, whatever you do tell yourself you can do it.

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